Excellence is GOLD; mediocrity is polished brass.
Excellence is REAL; mediocrity is fake.
Excellence is being an EAGLE; mediocrity is being a chicken. 
Excellence is a PERSON; mediocrity is a shadow. 
Excellence is COMMITTED; mediocrity is involved. 
Excellence is a JOURNEY; mediocrity is a bus station. 
Excellence is being NICE; mediocrity is crude.
Excellence SURRENDERS its right; mediocrity insists on its own. 
Excellence OVERCOMES failure; mediocrity is stalled by obstacles. 
Excellence offers NO EXCUSES; mediocrity casts blame. 
Excellence goes HIGHER; mediocrity aims high.
Excellence is DISTINCTION; mediocrity is extinction. 
To be DISTINCT, and not extinct, choose the way of Excellence, not the path of mediocrity (1 Corinthians 12:31-13:13).—Samuel Koranteng-Pipim