What Really Happened on that Day?
© Samuel Koranteng-Pipim
Director, Public Campus Ministries, Michigan Conference
Author, Healed Wounds, But Ugly Scars
What would you say is the most important thing that happened on the day of Pentecost?” Wherever I have asked this question, the most frequently-given answers have been:
--the 120 disciples were finally with one accord in a Jerusalem Upper Room
--there was an outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the disciples
--the disciples spoke in tongues–real foreign languages they had not previously learned
--Peter preached a powerful sermon that resulted in 3,000 baptisms.
--The apostles were transformed into men of conviction, fearless courage and boldness
Without doubt, the day of Pentecost witnessed the greatest revival in Christian history. It is generally recognized as the birthday of the Christian church, launching the church as a spirit-filled missionary movement.
...“Spiritual Warfare” and “Deliverance Ministry” and Seventh-day Adventists---Part 1
A Report of the Biblical Research Institute
(Reproduced from Samuel Koranteng-Pipim, ed., Here We Stand [2005])
[A new statement of belief was voted at the church's worldwide General Conference Session in July 2005 in St. Louis, Missouri, USA. This new doctrinal statement highlights the power of Christ in confronting and vanquishing demonic powers, and affirms the freedom of believers from past deeds and influences. Among other things, the proposed Fundamental Belief seeks to offer hope to those living in cultures where the fight against "evil spirits" is a daily occurrence. As the church discusses the proposed 28th Fundamental Belief and its implications, members and leaders will be benefited by an insightful...
A Report of the Biblical Research Institute
(Reproduced from Samuel Koranteng-Pipim, ed., Here We Stand [2005])
[This article highlights some of the problems in “deliverance ministry” and how we can pray for those afflicted by evil spirits. The article is Part II of the insightful report—“‘Spiritual Warfare’ and ‘Deliverance Ministry’ and Seventh-day Adventists”—that was approved by the General Conference’s Biblical Research Institute Committee (BRICOM) in 1983. See the previous article for Part I—Samuel Koranteng-Pipim]
While recognizing the existence of genuine cases of demon-possession and the need of relief for the oppressed victims of Satan's control, the [BRICOM] committee nevertheless felt unable to endorse...
A New Approach to Spiritual Warfare
Samuel Koranteng-Pipim, PhD
Director, Public Campus Ministries, Michigan Conference
[Excerpted from Author’s Here We Stand]
Since the late 1960s a new approach to spiritual warfare has been sweeping through Christian churches and missions today. I say a “new approach” because, historically, Christians have always believed that there is a conflict between Christ and Satan, good and evil, and truth and error. They have taught that the weapons of our warfare are: total surrender to the living Christ and an abiding faith in Him, a devotional life of persevering prayer, meditation on God’s Word, a wholehearted response of worship and witnessing, a loving obedience to all of God’s commandments, and a faithful adherence to the teachings of Scripture.
However, in the new approach to spiritual warfare, we are being told that the traditional Christian teaching on the subject is...