Dr. Pipim’s GC Session Report—Part 4
I thought I should address the confusion that is currently being created about whether or not the No vote at the recent GC session means anything. I know several of you have emailed to say you’re anxiously waiting for the last installment of my 2015 GC Session Report, which I title “Read the Fine Print.” That final report should be ready in the next couple of days. In it I will offer some clarity on some significant changes in our Fundamental Beliefs, Church Manual & Church Policy.
I will also explain how, unbeknownst to many, the debate over women's ordination actually began days earlier with innocuous attempts to revise sections of the Church Manual. And even after the No vote on Wednesday, how delegates were almost fooled to not attend the very last business session on Friday.
For now, however, allow me to share some thoughts on the confusing claims by some that the GC Session vote on women's ordination has no bearing...
Dr. Pipim’s GC Session Report—Part 1
Because I posted on Facebook some of my pictures at this year’s GC session, I’ve been receiving emails and phone calls from friends around the world, requesting that I offer them my take on this 60th Session of the General Conference in San Antonio, Texas (July 2-11, 2015).
In the coming days, I will be sharing my personal observations. In this first post, allow me to repeat what I shared with friends five years ago, giving reasons why every bonafide Adventist should attend a GC session—if they have the means and time to do so. I will also share why I am here in San Antonio. In my subsequent posts I will begin offering some updates on the discussions currently taking place.
Why Attend A GC Session?
GC Sessions are presently conducted every five years. The planning and execution of these events literally cost millions of dollars. I know some people think that these Sessions are a waste of time and resources. But I...