Anything risky requires a license to operate. Hence we need licenses or permits to drive, to practice our professions, to own guns or restaurants, and even to get married. Anything risky—except us! WE are the greatest risk to operate, yet exempt from obtaining a license to run our lives. We were created with the power of CHOICE—an absolute freedom to think, choose, be, or do as we please. How risky! You want proof of this “license-free” right? See how we’ve used it to hate and love, be ignorant and stupid, arrogant and self-sufficient. You want ultimate proof? Look what we did to our Creator on Calvary! Human beings without God are walking time-bombs—they’re “deceitful ... and desperately wicked” (Jeremiah 17:9)! WE are dangerous and very risky!—Samuel Koranteng-Pipim