Sometimes the very things and people that make us feel safe and secure now can also impede our future growth and development—unless we bravely break free from them at the correct time. If a chick overstays in its shell, after a while it will run out of space and food and die, or get swallowed by a predator. The choice of remaining in your eggshell depends on whether you view yourself a chick (able to fully mature and be free) or a mere yolk and albumen (to end up as omelet in someone’s breakfast). What makes you feel safe and secure? Is it your job, education, finances, or relationships? Don’t be imprisoned in any protective shell or nest (Deuteronomy 32:11-12). Know your identity and potential. Don't let present security and comfort zone impede your future growth or advancement. Expand your world. Dare to break free and soar!—Samuel Koranteng-Pipim