True GREATNESS is giving responsibility to our ability. It is the distinction found in doing things that others might consider beneath them. True GREATNESS is being a slave, serving whoever, whenever, and in whatever. It’s always public-service, never a self-service. Jesus said: “whoever desires to become great among you shall be your servant. And whoever of you desires to be first shall be slave of all” (Mark 10:43-45). True GREATNESS serves all in need, regardless of their status. It’s a dignified response when people take us for granted, step on us, or treat us as if we’re inferior. It is being deaf to derision, blind to slander, and unaffected by applause or censure. The truly GREAT might not make history, but theirs is a legacy that inspires greatness in others. Dare for true GREATNESS!—Samuel Koranteng-Pipim